Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

"The Song Version"

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02. Song 04 - “The Prayer To Make You One", 

Now For Your Age,
Now For All Life.

As Now "Your New Version"

Go To "Song 04" - As "Your New Version"
Go To "Song 04" - As "Your Original Version"

Go To “Your Final Divine Recitation"
Go To "Your Final Love/Unity Refrain"
Go To “Your Final Divine Refrain” 
of “God’s Final Divine Songs”,
In “The World
As Now “The Final Point” of “Your Life”.

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Go To "The Introduction"
Download "Song 04
As "Your New Version"
As "Your Original Version"

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As "The New Version"
As "The Original Version"
Go To "Song 02"
As "The New Version"
As "The Original Version"
Go To "Song 03"
As "The New Version"
As "The Original Version"
Go To "Song 05"


"Song 04"

(As Now "Your New Version")

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  “O God,
You Will Only Accept Me
When Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) Accepts Me,
And Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) Will Only Accept Me,
If “We Can Be Cured”
and that is for sure.

And “We Can Only Be Cured”
If We Don’t Want 
“Anything That You Have Discarded”,
and that is for sure.

And What 
“You Have Discarded”
Is Now Everything
That Now 
“Makes Up My Life”,
and that is for sure.


“O My Father, My Shaikh, My Guru,
I Need Your Love,
I Need Your Oneness,
Please, Please, Please, Please, Please,
Destroy Me,
And Reveal You,
and that is for sure.

“Destroy Me As “Separate From” You,
And You As “Separate From” Me,
And Reveal Me As “One With” You,
And You As “One With” Me,

“Destroy “The Life” of “Separation and Differences”
That You Have Given Me, 

That Is,
“Our Life” of Arrogance, Karma, and Illusion, Mind and Desire,
That You Have Given Me, 

That Is,
“Our Life” of Desire For “Earth, Women, and Gold”,
That You Have Given Me, 

That Is,
“Our Life” of Desire For “A Personal Form” (Your Earth),
And For “Personal Relationships” (Your Woman),
And For “Personal Wealth” (Your Gold),
That You Have Given Me, 

That Is,
“Our Life” of Desire For “A Personal Life” 
of “Separation and Differences”
On Some “Illusory Outside” of Me,
That You Have Given To Me,

“All of Which In Truth Is “Just Not True”,

All of Which In Truth Has Now Fully Manifested
Within “Our Impure Heart/Mind” Within Me,
Not On Some “Illusory Outside” of Me,

As We, 
And Now All of My Brothers and Sisters,
Without Exception,
Still Mistakenly Believe,
But To Our Eternal Peril,
and that is for sure. Amen.

“And Reveal “A Life” 
“Oneness and Unity”,
of “Justice and Truth”, 
of “Compassion and Unity”,
That You Have Also Given To Me,

And That 
You Have Also Given 
To All of My Brothers and Sisters,
Without Exception,

That You 
Are Just Waiting To Fully Manifest
Within “Our Re-opened World of Souls”,
Within “Our Purified Heart/Mind”, 
Within "You Within Me"
Within "Us Within You",
As Now "One",

if we like, 
and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is,

“If We Are A Wise Child”, Now For Our Age, 
And “Not Just A Foolish Child”, Now For Our Age, 
As Bawa Teaches Us, 

And Now As Your Dearest Loving Son, 
And Our Dearest Loving Brother, 
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), 
In Whom “You Are Well Pleased” As Now "One",
Is Teaching Us Again,

if we like,
and that is for sure.

“Revealing You” As Now “The Wealth” 
of “Your Sacred Universal Traveler” 
Now For Our Age, Now For All Live,

Within “Us Within You” 
Within “You Within Us”
As Now “One”, 

And Now “Revealing Us” 
As Now “The Understanding”
of “Your Wealth”, 

That Is,
As Now “The Understanding”
of “The Wealth” of “Your Sacred Universal Traveler” 
Now For Our Age, Now For All Live,
Within “Us Within You” Within “You Within Us”
As Now “One”,

(Recite "Your Final Divine Recitation")
(Recite "Your Final Love/Unity Refrain")
(Recite "Your Final Divine Refrain")



“The End”
of “Song 04
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Go To "The Table of Contents"
Go To "Song 04"
As "The New Version"
As "The Original Version"
Download "Song 04"
As "The New Version"
As "The Original Version"

Go To "Song 01"
As "The New Version"
As "The Original Version"
Go To "Song 02"
As "The New Version"
As "The Original Version"
Go To "Song 03"
As "The New Version"
As "The Original Version"
Go To "Song 05"


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